Sunday, March 27, 2016

Album Review-Metal Church: XI

XI is the eleventh studio record by American Heavy Metal group Metal Church and was released on March 25th, 2016. I remember getting the first Metal Church record when I was a young teen and the musicianship blew me away. It wasn’t Thrash but it wasn’t traditional Heavy Metal but it was really good. Going through this bands back catalogue I found some really great release as well. Most notably they featured Mike Howe on vocals and he actually returned to the band after twenty four years and it really makes you excited to see if the old Metal Church has returned to spread its wings again. Let’s find out.

Track rundown

1.Reset- Opening with a pretty good riff I like the production it is really nice and crisp as well. This song is pretty thrashy too and Mike Howe utilizes both his high and low notes in his voice which is pretty cool to hear and his voice seriously doesn’t sound like it has aged at all either. I feel his voice is a bit buried in the mixed in some parts but not enough to where you can’t totally hear it. The solo is pretty good as well it isn’t anything mind blowing but it’s a solo that fits the song very well. Great straight forward opening song.

2.Killing Your Time- I love the rhythm in this song it is extremely tight. It is also a really heavy song and I think it really displays Mikes voice very well it sounds just like old school Metal Church. The chorus is really powerful and epic sounding as well. Just a great fuckin song.

3.No Tomorrow- Opening with some haunting acoustic riffs, Then heading straight into speed metal territory. One of the best main riffs on the whole album in my opinion with those heavy epic vocals. This song has more of a power metal feel in the bridge especially as well. This song is a straight hitter too with a cool soft interlude in the middle of the song as well shows the crafty musicianship.

4.Signal Path- I really like how this song opens it really is an anticipating opening that just builds with such an infectious riff and it really pays off. My only gripe is I wish there was a bit more bass behind the drums to make it bump a bit more. The chorus is pretty damn catchy as well. One of the best tunes on the record.

5.Sky Falls In- This chorus soaked opening is really cool sounding almost sounding a bit like old metallica but then it hits with a heavy kind of jam scenario which is great. This song is the first to be mainly a mid tempo rocker but it still works most of the time it definitely is a bit of a break from what we have heard from the past few songs.

6.Neetle and Suture- This is probably the heaviest song on the record with relentless chugging with guitars with Howes scratchy voice soaring above. This is pure Heavy Metal and there is no stopping it. The chorus is amazing as well it sounds a bit like Overkill but it still has that Metal church sound of old behind it. Another one of my personal favorites on the album.

7.Shadow-This song has a gothic kind feel to me anyway. I really like the almost spaced out riff it is different and changes a bit of the tone for and adds to the album as well. It is a pretty heavy mid-tempo song that does deliver but in different ways than just hitting you straight in the face but admiring the musical craftsmanship.

8.Blow Your Mind-Opening with a dark synth that I really appreciate with a dark bluesy metal riff creeping in it really adds some good atmosphere. The whole song has this haunting heavy quality to it that I find really kick ass as well. I love the riffs I this song as well it has that old school charm to it. Good straightforward tune.

9.Soul Catching Machine- This one begins with more clean guitars but heading straight into more traditional heavy metal territory. Mikes vocals still impress me of how good they still sound. It is a very powerful song as well a great pounding thrasher toward the end.

10.It Waits-Opening with some almost bluesy drums and some cool flanged out guitars as well, this song has an interesting laid back feel to it. Unfortunately it kind of stops the album in its tracks because it sounds almost too laid back in parts. I really dig this song with the synth and psychedelia in it but I wish it was placed more toward the middle of the record.

11.Suffer Fools- As the album closer, this song really doesn’t let up until the last second. Especially in the verses, the band is firing on all cylinders and it really culminates here. This is a great song to end this great record on its catchy heavy and for some reason feels louder than every other song but that might just be my deaf ears.

Overall, I give this album a solid 8 out of 10. Metal Church really pulled themselves up as one of the bands of the older guard to transcend into the new age. With reuniting classic members and the musical craftsmanship really being utilized, this album is a solid release for this band to have in their extremely underrated discography.

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