Monday, July 27, 2015

Album Review: Night Demon- Curse Of The Damned

Curse Of The Damned is the debut record by Heavy Metal band Night Demon and was released in early 2015. Night Demon are part of the New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal which has been going on for years with acts like Cauldron, White Wizzard and others. However, while those bands went more straight forward Judas Priest and Iron Maiden sound-alikes, Night Demon takes most of their influence of the more unknown acts of the New Wave Of British Metal and have the sound down to a science without making it generic and forgettable. I knew the second I heard the first few notes of this record I had to review it as soon as I could.

Track Rundown

1.Screams In The Night- This track sounds straight like a lost Diamond Head demo, but this song is just a perfect opener, its super energetic and very catchy to sing along to as well. The solo is simple and the guitar tone has that vintage British metal warmth of old times. The drums are really loose as I like them to be and the bass OH THE BASS! It is super audible and I love hearing me some bass. Jarvis’ bass tone is one of my favorites I have heard in a while it has a very Steve Harris feel but with a pick which is still a unique trait. His voice is very John Bush mixed with Sean Harris equaling a very broad hit you in the face sound. Excellent fun opener.

2.Curse Of The Damned- Here we have the title track and I love just how heavy the bass opens this song. The main riff hits hard too. I love the chorus it is so damn catchy. The phased out guitar parts I really dig too. The solo is a nice taste without being too much which is what I usually strive for in traditional heavy metal. Another home run track.

3.Satan- I like the main riff during the chorus I always have liked chugging riffs because they are simple but effective. The chorus kinda slows down and after the last two tracks it leaves a bit to be desired. The whole song is all around good just not huge on the chorus.

4.Full Speed Ahead- This song sounds straight off the “Killers” record and hits the perfect sound in the harmonizing guitar parts and the chorus is just a full on crowd singer. The solo is a fast ripper as expected and has almost a vintage Anthax sound to it as well. Killer fun song.

5.The Howling Man- This is the epic long song on this album and it shows with the atmospheric opening and I think the chorus is my favorite on the album it has great guitar and bass lines, vocal melodies and the slow bridge in the middle really adds to this track as well. Best song on the record by far.
6. Heavy Metal Heat- This song is a take on just the idea of a heavy metal show. It’s very much like Metal Thrashing Mad by Anthrax, however, this song still has distinct sound and that again is Jarvis’ very strong vocals. The guitar sounds louder here than the previous tracks for some reason but that might just be my screwed up hearing. Anyway this is another definite highlight out of a slew of many others.

7.Livin’ Dangerous- The riff starts out sounding like Motorheads Over The Top but instantly becomes its own song. This song is my second favorite because the end takes you through tons of pounding riffs that make you think “damn when does it stop?” the solo sounds very motorhead-ish as well which is an A+ in my book.

8.Mastermind- This track is very reminiscent of Doctor Doctor by UFO and its only in the riff structure and the chorus being cheesy, still kicks ass (who said Rock N Roll was supposed to be taken seriously?). I love that dark tempo change in the middle as well just to mix things up a bit. Another fun hitter.

9.Run For Your Life- This song sounds like Turner-era Rainbow to be and Jarvis’ voice even gets close to sounding like his. It’s a pretty good track, very energetic and again the chorus is super catchy as well with the repeat backup vocals. Solo is solid as well as I expect.

10. Killer-The riff sounds like Thin Lizzys Stone Cold Sweat a bit but it sounds killer regardless. The chorus is pretty good not perfect but it passes and I still think this would be a good live track for them to play.

11.Save Me Now- The synthy, hazy opening is pretty cool and different. This song has a bluesy feel to it more than just about all the previous tracks, it’s a bit more somber than the last few but I still like the guitar harmonies during the verses. The chorus has a more radio friendly feel to it like metal bands back in the day would write compared to the balls to the wall songs on the rest of the record. However, this doesn’t take away from the song it just has a more hard rock feel to it which gives a different but good taste. It’s a good closer to record but wait…

BONUS TRACK- Road Racin’ (RIOT cover) - Hot damn! This cover smokes and I am so happy to see a song I loved so much as a kid brought back to the 21st century. I would love to see people discover RIOT from this song and is a worthy cover.

Overall, I give this record a scorching 9.5 out of 10. Night Demon is a band to be reckoned with and this album is definitely and early contender for my album of the year. It is unfortunate I can’t check them out June 9th with Raven in Chicago but hopefully on the next run I will. If you have a chance to see them on tour check em out, you won’t be disappointed. Long Live Night Demon! \M/

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