What a year for Heavy Metal and Rock in general. As much new and very talented bands have sprouted up over the year, we have seen some bands that have been gone for years and putting out some of the best albums of their careers. With this list, because I could not narrow it down to ten albums, I had to make this a top twenty because I wanted to mention all these albums. Also, yes some of these I was not able to review this year but they get their chance to shine now. Just too many good albums this year and I will first begin this list with the top 20 sort of "runner up" albums of the year.
20.Artillery-Penalty by Perception
A terrific thrash album by a band that never quite got their due. This album really shows their true abilities to craft very well done songs.
19.High Spirits-Motivator

A very catchy NWOBHM influenced album with probably some of the most positive messages from metal in recent years. Definitely recommend it because you'll be humming these songs for weeks.
18.Wo Fat- Midnight Cometh

A great stoner metal release with some big riffs and very drawn out songs. Definitely recommend it because it is an absolute jam.
17.Sumerlands- Sumerlands

I always think of Witchfinder General with this album because it has the doom metal aspects but also has hints of early 80s metal like early Ozzy material. A very well written album that i keep coming back to and a heck of a debut.
16. Savage Master- With Whips And Chains

Part of the New Wave of Traditional Metal from the recent years, Savage Master have a minimalist yet catchy approach to their songs. Where the solos and rhythm may be simplified, Stacey Savages raw as hell voice is what really keeps you holding on til the last note.
15.Davie Allan/Joel Grind E.P

Cheating a bit with an EP but these four songs represent the awesome fuzzed out garage surf rock that practically inspired what heavy rock would become. Definitely one that has made constant trips to my record player in the recent months.
14.Testament-Brotherhood Of The Snake

A triumphant return for thew thrash legends with a good amount of catchy songs to it.
13.Hellfire- Metal Masses

The album cover says it all, catchy, raw speed metal from the early 80s and these guys pull it off well with the early Metallica influences shining all throughout. However, the musicianship is very tight and I still await for this sucker to be on vinyl.
12. Airbourne-Breakin Outta Hell

The fourth album from the aussie rockers and bringing more of their no holds barred rock n roll with possibly some of the sharpest production to date. I really love this album and has slowly become my favorite of theirs since I saw them live and wow, easily the best live band I've ever seen.
11.Seven Sisters-S/T

These guys are another traditional Heavy Metal band that came out this year and are one of my favorite new bands to debut this year. This album is epic in all sorts of ways, with amazing hooks, solo's and riff after riff, this album delivers a style of heavy metal that is almost long forgotten.
10.Duel-Fears Of The Dead

What a great 70s rock revival album. Just some of the best riffs off any album this year. Basically if you mix a bit of Sabbath, Thin Lizzy and a dash of early KISS, you get this monster of a rock album.
9.Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper- Walking In The Shadows
An amazing return of one of the most epic vocalists out of the NWOBHM-era. Steve Grimmett returns with an all new band and delivers a traditional 80s heavy metal record and I think this one deserves to be called the comeback album because it easily can stand against Grim Reapers past three albums.
8.Blood Ceremony- Lord Of Misrule
An awesome album from the cult rockers with some heavy psychedelic thrown in the mix. I like the different directions some tracks take where it isn't all about being all doom but has more emphasis on the organ. A killer, haunting album from start to finish.
7.Demon Bitch- Hellfriends

Cult 80s US Power Metal done right in 2016. From the muddy bassy production tothe incredible falsettos, this album has some of the best crafted epic speed metal I have heard in a long time.
6.Tygers Of Pan Tang-S/T
A great comeback even if the band is a lot of new musicians. I think this added to Tygers viability because they sound as lively as ever on this album with a lot of great very big hooks as well.
5.Metallica- Hardwired...To Self Destruct

I know some people will get pissy for me putting this album so high on my list but I genuinely really like the album. I like the mix of basically all era's of Metallica and even though the second half gets bogged down a bit by too many slow numbers. the last track really makes up for it with one of the best songs they have written in thirty years.
4.Quartz-Fear No Evil

A band that has comeback at a perfect time and with undoubtedly one of their most solid albums. With a raw production and some awesome arrangements, Quartz are back roaring to life and I hope they have at least one more album in them because they definitely still have the chops and their new singer definitely holds his own as well.
3.Blues Funeral- The Search

One of the most creative releases of the year and for good reason. This album has 70s heavy rock mixed with jazz and slight hints of classical music as well making for some amazing crafted songs. This band should be more well known especially for releasing such an amazing debut because this is what a creative band should sound like in the public eye to me.
2.Anthrax- For All Kings
Anthrax hit it out of the park again with an extremely focused, solid, well written thrash metal album. Their are some great melodies peppered throughout the album as well and I find it very rare for a lot of these older bands to write records still this good with this amount of musicianship and creativity.
1.Diamond Head- S/T
My number one album of the year by a band that should have been as big as Metallica. Brian Tatler has always been a very skillful guitarist in knowing how to make riffs that are just right and is one of my all time favorites as well. After losing Nick Tart, newcomer singer Rasmus Andersen who I believe is the best singer the band has ever had as well joined the band and created what I think is the true third Diamond Head album and really embodies what the band is about(granted I dig Canterbury but it isn't a Diamond Head album). Seeing them on tour for this album and meeting them really will always be one of my most treasured memories as well.
Well there is my top 20 albums of the year. This year is easily one of my favorites and shows that heavy metal is still alive and well. Here's to making 2017 just as fucking good thank you everyone for the support!